Job Seeking Behavior : Important While Interview
If you are going for an interview your behavior will speak louder than your words so always be cautious on this aspect. You behavior should neither be loud or nor it should be submissive. In some cases when you have got your dream job or got it after a long time of unemployment then you tend to be very desperate in getting that job opportunity. But do not let your employer feel the same desperation. It has a negative impact on the job and a bad job seeking behavior. Also do not over promote your self & do not under estimate your potential. Speak for your work instead of you. Let your employer what & how you have achieved you work or career targets. This will help you in getting job. You can be pro-active in talks but do not over exaggerate & talk like a crazy fellow by saying that you can do this and can do anything if this job is given to you. Remain calm & composed during the interview. This job seeking behavior in addition to your education & qualification will really help you in getting the right job.
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