Looking for a change in your career? Do you still rely on your good old resume and are satisfied by just
writing job description of your current designation and company name to it? Let me remind you that howsoever professionally you might have developed your resume, it needs a face lift every six months- you are living in a jet age man! And with all that ATS-
Applicant Tracking System- you need to include hot “key words” and “job title” for describing your skill set. So, let's have a look at some tips for updating your resume to give you a better chance for the next interview call!
Match Your Skills With Your Dream Company's Requirements: Conduct a research about the company, organization, job assignments, position description, and job announcement. Ensure to highlight your knowledge, skills, and abilities with an organization’s need, mission, purpose, and goals. Make it as “to the point” and relevant as you can. Remember, the HR executive will not spend more than a minute reading all that!
Add Your Current Achievements: Workshops, professional training, new courses, distance learning, accomplished projects or awards- anything that is new to you- enhancement to your existing skills.
Delete What's Not Relevant: Do your first job still stands relevant? If not delete it. If, however, you see that they are still somewhat relevant then edit that portion. There's no harm if your first position gets the least attention.
Update Personal Contact: Don't forget to change your e-mail and cell phone number, if they need to be. If anyhow, in the past year, you have developed your own URL- add it. Personal blog? Add it only if it helps in evaluating you in relation to your job profile. Emotional write ups, film reviews and the like are not meant to help you professionally (of course if you are not in film or such other related jobs)
Give Your Resume Many Avatars: Your resume should be available in several formats -- e-resume, traditional format, text only, Microsoft Word, and a PDF. Each of these formats have their own use. They also reveal your technical savvy part to some extent.
Proofread Till You Exhaust: However confident you might be, proofread your updated resume time and again. Entering even a word means there's a chance of error, if only in a word or a sentence. Get your friends and family to proof read it for you.